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How to name your company - A complete guide 💼

What's in a name? Finding the right name for your company can be really challenging. But there's a formula that makes it easier. In my years as an entrepreneur, I've come up with at least a dozen brand names for my companies, companies I've co-founded, and customer's companies. I've learned the formula for coming up with the right name, and it makes the process so much easier. For years I would agonize over a name, turning it over and over in my head just willing my brain to come up with...

A change in direction If you're seeing this email, you've been on my list for some time and haven't heard much from me. That's about to change. For a long time I've been experimenting with my personal brand and website and working to figure out what I want to do with it. Do I just want to write stories? Should I get into affiliate marketing? Do I build a course? It all clicked finally, so I'm proud to share my new direction with you all and tell you what to expect from me. Late last year, I...